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Expanding your machine learning toolkit: Randomized search, computational budgets, and new algorithms
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Expanding your machine learning toolkit: Randomized search, computational budgets, and new algorithms

Introduction Previously, we wrote about some common trade-offs in machine learning and the importance of tuning models to your specific dataset. We demonstrated how to tune a random forest classifier using grid search, and how cross-validation can help avoid overfitting when tuning hyperparameters (HPs). In this follow-up post, you’ll beef up your machine learning toolbox … Continue reading


Free Tech Lab: Exploratory data analysis & interactive figures with Plotly

Join us for a free 1-hour hands-on workshop to get an overview of Exploratory data analysis and interactive figures using Plotly. Exploratory data analysis (or EDA) is an effective technique to analyse data sets. It involves summarising data with descriptive statistics, then visualizing data through plotting. Plotly is a useful plotting library that offers intuitive ways to … Continue reading